We are excited to invite you to the third AsyLex Academy of 2023!

When: Saturday, 30. September 2023 (starting at 9:30) Where: Zurich Topic: Crimmigration: At the Intersection of Criminal Law and Migration Law
On the weekend of the 30th of September 2023, the next AsyLex Academy will take place in Zurich. The topic will be: «Crimmigration: At the Intersection of Criminal Law and Migration Law». We will have guests from various fields, including Alicia Giraudel (Amnesty), who will deliver valuable insights into racial profiling and police violence, as well as Géraldine Merz from the FIZ (Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration), reporting on their experience with criminalization of migrant women.
If you want to participate, the following conditions apply:

we would love to hear from you at operations@asylex.ch.