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Would you like to support AsyLex?

We are grateful for volunteer contributions as well as for donations! If you would like to support us in any other ways as the ones mentioned below, please contact us. We are happy about any new form of cooperation!

We are always looking for interesting profiles to support our different teams. Here are some examples. If you would like to know whether you and AsyLex would be a good fit and submit an application, please visit our Application Tool below.

Lawyers (also non-Swiss / law students)

We are looking forward to having you as our new legal advisor! You may freely chose your schedule and your amount of work. Any work for AsyLex is unpaid. We provide you with a profound introduction in the Swiss asylum law as well as support if you have any questions on your cases. Previous experience in Swiss asylum law is not mandatory, but high motivation to learn it is of course a prerequisite! You will get the opportunity to spend your time with meaningful work helping people in very difficult situations. We are looking forward to your message to our Application Tool!


You speak Tigrinya, Farsi, Arabic, Somali, Oromo, Turkish, Amharic, Urdu etc. as well as English or German? And you are willing to volunteer for AsyLex? You may freely chose your schedule and your amount of work. Asylum seekers, refugees and persons with temporary protection as well as persons whose asylum application got rejected and who have a sufficient level of German or English are very welcome as interpreters with AsyLex! Please contact us via our Application Tool, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Non-legal support (e.g. accompanying person)

You would like to support asylum seekers in their procedure, but you do not have a legal education? You can nevertheless provide important support by accompanying them to their asylum interview! We will give you the necessary instructions and education. Please contact us in case of interest or questions via our Application Tool, we are more than happy to get your support!

Other volunteers / NGOs

We are happy to work with any other volunteers (e.g. IT, finance, media, psychology, etc.) and ask you to contact us via our Application Tool.

Application Tool

AsyLex Volunteer Application Tool

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